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6. Use import module more often than from module import

Date: 2024-04-14

Namespaces are one honking great idea

From Stack Overflow's Use 'import module' or 'from module import'?

In this project, you can import PaymentMethod from several files:

  • acquiring/domain/
  • acquiring/models/
  • acquiring/protocols/
  • ...

They're often used in combination: models/ PaymentMethod's to_domain is annotated with protocols/ PaymentMethod and returns an instance of domain/ PaymentMethod.

That sentence alone should make it clear that name collision is a potential problem. So how do we deal with that?

How about this:

from acquiring.domain.payments import PaymentMethod as DomainPaymentMethod
from acquiring.models import PaymentMethod as ModelPaymentMethod
from acquiring.protocols import PaymentMethod as ProtocolPaymentMethod

This is not a bad approach. It works.

The problem with this is twofold. First, it's very hard to keep this naming consistent. The as statement makes naming very flexible. It makes hard for programmers to track which class are you using. And nothing prevents me from carelessly assigning an incorrect name, as in from acquiring.models import PaymentMethod as DomainPaymentMethod.

But second, this is homeopathic naming:

Homeopathic naming is one of the commonest habits programmers can fall into without realising: making names longer by adding more words with the goal of adding more meaning to code, but in practice diluting the meaning.

I really love this concept. I also love Kevin's explanation for why this is something to be mindful of:

Affixing Lego-brick parts to an identifier does not amplify or enhance its meaning, and often serves to highlight there may have been little meaning there in the first place.

Rather than prefixing Domain or Model or Protocol to PaymentMethod, what we can do is the following:

from acquiring import domain, models, protocols

Lovely. What PaymentMethod can I use? domain.PaymentMethod, models.PaymentMethod or protocols.PaymentMethod.

This is a way cleaner, in my opinion, to make namespace explicit. I'm told it is also faster, but I can't find a reliable source to back that up. In this project, we will therefore favor this way of bringing classes into the namespace.

It is mostly a matter of style. But not entirely idiosyncratic.