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9. Do Not Use if TYPE_CHECKING

Date: 2024-04-25

From: Why if TYPE_CHECKING, by Vicki Boykis

Be very careful when using type annotations

Most people would be shocked to find out that this piece of code FAILS:

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from import Sequence

def func(value: Sequence[int]) -> None:

The core thesis is this: types are very broad hints and sometimes lies. This is the result of trying to gradually type Python, a dynamically-typed language.

mypy does is basically start by analyzing your code module-by-module, keeping track of each new class/type that’s being defined. During this process, if mypy sees a type hint using a type that hasn’t been defined yet, it will substitute it with a placeholder type.

if TYPE_CHECKING is a hack to make mypy work with circular dependencies. What we need, then, is to decouple the type system from the domain logic. Therefore, TYPE_CHECKING is pointless once we've separated domain from protocols.

Understand: Python's type-checking is there to reveal the writer's intent to the reader, and nothing else.